...ku masih lagi setia, biar pun takdir mencabar kita terpisah...ku masih lagi di sini berpegang teguh kalimah CINTA...

Monday, September 14, 2009

...dan jawapannye...

1) Beside ur lips, where is the favourite spot to get kissed?
Dahi...ces...dgn konpiden lg gatal nye menjawab...heheh...

2)How did u feel when u woke up this morning?
Dh kul4? Ngantoks. Mlsnye nk drive pepagi bute nk blk Ipoh...(-O-)

3) Who was the last person/people you took photo with?
Akmal @ Kuntat mase buat kuih raye aritu

4) Would you consider urself spoiled?
X pon

5) Have u ever had a best friend who was of the oppositeex?

6) Do you want someone to be dead?
Semestinye org2 yg memandu mcm org gile..perasan terrer la tu..HAMMMPPPEEEHHH..

7) What does your last text message say?
"mkn..jap lg nk mkn ubat lg..td mkn kul 11"..kata housemate ku yg xbrape sihat

8) What are you thinking right now?
Mcm2...naik serabut kepala otak

9) Do you want someone to be with you right now?
Ya betul!!!

10) What was the time you went to bed last night?
X ingat..tau2 je dh lelap..meninggalkn lesson plan arini yg belum siap.ZZZzzzzzz...kroh...

11) Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now?
Masih memakai baju kurung balik sekolah td..buroks tol perangai

12) Is someone on your mind right now?
Tersangat la ade nye...

13) Who was the last person who text you?
Housemate K.L - Zana

14) TEN lucky person to do this quiz.
Taruk je name sape2 ek...xtau la sape yg ade blog..yg ade sume dh buat benda alah ni...hohoho

1. Teh
2. Abg Midi
3. Zana
4. Z
5. Ila
6. Zarul
7. Abg Najib
8. Diyana
9. Farrah
10. Maz

1) Who is no. 2? Having a relationship with?
Abg ipar aku...msti la dgn kakak aku

2) Is no. 3 a male or a female?
Female..tp kdg2 org kompius ingatkn male..heheheh

3) If no. 7 and no.1
X leh..dua2 dh kawin

4) What is no.1 studying about?
Dh x blajo..skrg ngajo je

5) When was the last time you chatted with them?
Teh - Br je td..ingat nk bergossip tp die bz kt salon lak..ceh..potong tol la
Abg Midi - Smlm, sblm blk dr Raub
Zana - Tgh bersms dgn die
Z - Br lepas brwebcam td
Ila - Mase cuti skolah aritu..tanye bile nk dtg umah
Zarul - Smlm..berbalas comment dlm FB
Abg Najib - Cuti skolah aritu gk..jmpe kt bazar
Diyana - 2 bln lepas kot
Farrah - Lame gk la
Maz - Lagi la lamenye...

6) Is no. 4 single?
Tak dah

7) Say something about no. 6
Keje TM Point Pekan..Dok Jengka..kenal melalui kakak aku mase die keje Watson dulu

8) What do you think about no. 3 & no.5 being together?
Dua2 pmpuan....xleh...xleh..

9) Describe no.9
Roommate mase kt UIA..kdg2 merangkap Penasihat Kewangan aku..hehehe..sbb die akan ingatkn aku jgn beli yg bkn2..

10) Do you like no. 8?
Suke...antara bestpren aku

11) How about no. 10?
Jiran bilik kt UIA - antara tmpt tumpuan utk bergossip

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